The best is yet to come....


Monday, November 14, 2011

Check Please?

Today, my dear sweet hubs sent me off to the Doctor to make sure that I don't have Bronchitis (thankfully, I don't) and he declared that he will be in charge of dinner tonight!  Now least that we all forget the interesting dinner the hubs made the last time he declared that he would "cook" here is a little  reminder of what my husband is capable of "cooking".  Eck!

Thankfully, this time my husband was really making his world famous sweet n' sour chicken, my favorite!  As luck would have it, though, it appeared to be my turn to take what should be a delicious meal into something that was....well...not.

What is this?  If you guessed a fly, you would be correct.  Why would this icky insect ruin our meal?

Well, before heading home I stopped at Harmon's to pick up some salad for dinner.  The hubs, put some salad on his plate and was almost FINISHED when he saw it!  THE FLY!!!! It was just lying there in all of its insect glory, dead.  Gross!!!

On the plus side, the hubs actually finished the salad, despite the fly.  Let's face it, it can't be that different from an Army meal in the chow hall.  

ummmmm.........check please?

Moral of this story:  Apparently even Harmon's can mess up their produce.... and when you find a fly in your newly bought salad, throw the whole batch out.

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