The best is yet to come....


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nightime Ramblings

Wow! I can't believe it's been that long since I have written in the blog.

We have just recently celebrated my parents anniversary of 40 yrs. 40 years!!! And they dated for three years before they got married so it is more like 43 years........

It makes me wonder what you learn about a person after 40 years. It's no wonder that when I was a kid I always suspected my parents of speaking in code. ;-) They always seemed to know what they other was thinking.
You know how you hear about kids asking the mom after the dad said "no" and finally getting the answer they wanted? Well that never happened with me, nope, not once. It's like they sent telepathic messages to each other......"Don't let her go to the movies, I already said no."
My parents have really been together through the ups and downs....when everything was crashing around them they held tight to each other. As dad always likes to say "She is my best friend, who better to spend my time with?"
They have been a true and honest example to me of what love, commitment and marriage is supposed to be.
My favorite memory when I was a little girl is to watch my parents get all dressed up for date night.... My mom put on her dancing skirts, and best perfume. Dad shaving and putting on a tie.
The best part about date night for me was, once in a blue moon, I got to go and watch my parents dance during class (their date night was ballroom dancing lessons).
When my mom and dad dance they no longer are mom and dad. They are Duane and Merikay... a boy who loves a cute brown haired girl. My mom's eyes twinkle at my dad and dad smiles at mom like she is the most beautiful thing in the whole world!
For a little girl who loved story book romances I got to see one up close.... and as my parents danced on their 40th anniversary, I again, got to glimpse at the depths of their love for one another.
Thank you

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